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The Ilankai Tamil Sangam, USA, is an association of Tamils from the island of Ilankai now residing in the United States of America. Formed in 1977, the Sangam is the oldest association of these Tamils in the United States of America.

From this event site, you can obtain all the information about the sangam events (Past and Present), sangam projects (Past and Present), Join our organization as a member, donate to the humanitarian/human rights projects sponsored by Sangam, Join our mailing list and provide feedback.

The Sangam is administered according to its constitution by its officers, including its president, secretary, and treasurer, and a committee.

The Officers elected for the Year 2023 are:

  1. President – Dr. Sujanthy Rajaram
  2. Vice President -  Mr. Aiyathurai Jeyakumar
  3. Secretary - Mrs. Indra Emmanual
  4. Assistant Secretary – Mr. Eesan Kesavan
  5. Treasuer – Mr. Nagaratnam Rabindran
  6. Assistant Treasurer –  Mr. Aravind Rajendra
  7. Internal Auditor – Mr. Mano Ranjan
  8. Project Director – Mrs. Indra Emmanual (Interim)
  9. Editor – Mrs. Avis Sri-Jayantha